10 Little Things That Will Make You Happy

by - April 10, 2015

Have you ever woken up and just felt blah? You're not alone, we all have them days - whether you woke up feeling so or you have had a long/bad day, whatever the reason these are a few things that help make everything just a little better.

1) Go for a walk.
The fresh air and light exercise will help relax your mind. Personally I love taking my dog for a really long walk whilst listening to my iPod, this just helps me unwind, reflect on life and always makes me feel better.

2) Listen to your favourite song/album.
This always lifts my mood, and because I am a a bit weird I like to create a music video in my head in which I'm obviously the star in. Sounds silly, but it works. If you also listen to something that brings back happy memories for you, that's instantly a mood lifter.

3) Go outside.
Similar to my first point but if I'm not in the mood to go anywhere if it's too late or whatever, I love just stepping out into my garden and getting some fresh air. One of my favourite things to do is to go outside when it's dark and when you can see the stars, it just makes everything seem insignificant and your worries sometimes just disappear. Being stuck inside all day usually makes me grumpy especially if I don't have plans that day, but if you spend it laying in your garden in the sun - it won't seem like a waste of a day.

4) Watch your favourite comedy film.
No matter what is going on in my life I can always count on watching my favourite comedy and laugh uncontrollably. My favourite is The Other Women and the bush scene with Carly and Kate outside Amber's house gets me every single time. If you watch a film that you have seen before with someone that you love; whether that is your significant other or just a friend, it will remind you of the first time you saw it with them which should uplift your mood.

5) Look back through old photos.
I don't know about you but this never fails to put me in a good mood, it just reminds me of all the fun adventures I have had which just makes me happy. I always take photos of anything and everything and screenshot everything that makes me happy because I find it really fun to later on look back and remember everything that I felt at that time.

6) Call a friend.
Do not underestimate what calling a loved one may do to your mood, or just texting them. Just to hear their voice makes me feel better and calms me down. Just talk to them about anything and everything and I guarantee you'll put the phone down with a smile on your face.

7) Tidy or organize your living space.
If you're anything like me, once your bedroom and everything is organized, neat, tidy and put together I feel as though I have my life together. Sounds odd but it's true, if the physical aspects in your life are in their place, it will help you feel better emotionally. Plus everything will be nice and tidy which is always nice.

8) Put on your favourite outfit and do your makeup/hair how you like it.
Looking good and being happy with how you look will instantly lift your mood. When you go out, people will notice your confidence which will help you feel better, or even if you don't have any plans, snap a few selfies and call it a day.

9) Take a bubble bath.
These are relaxing, fun and help calm you down (try to not fall asleep though).

10) Make a list of things that make you happy
Reflecting on the things that make you happy can be a mood lifter just because you realize how simple little things in life can cheer you up.

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  1. This is such a lovely post and really put things into perspective for me. Thank you so much! x

  2. such a lovely post, your point about going outside is so true! Anytime I'm wprrying about anything I always go outside and it instantly makes me feel better. would be great if you could check out my fashion blog? :)

    The Fashion Road

  3. Such an inspirational post :) 7 and 9 are my favorite things to do when I'm not feeling happy :) xx

    1. Thankyou, glad you like it! x

  4. These are pretty much the exact things I do when I'm having a bad day! It's so true that going for a walk just clears your head, I find it the most stress relieving thing! Great post x


    1. Glad you like it! & I know right, it's one of my top things to do to relieve stress and just think! x

  5. All tips that I myself take action in doing when I'm feeling down in the dumps! Going outside, going for walks and tidying are all things that really help me feel revived and cheer me up :-) I'd never considered making a list of things that makes me happy, but I'll be sure to try, as I guess it makes you realise how not so bad your life is and to appreciate what you have! Great post, beautiful!

    LL | www.cautivar.com
