Motivation, Exams and Stress

by - April 17, 2015

It is already the middle of April which means I have approximately twenty-two days until my exams start. I am currently doing my second year of A-Levels and these grades will determine whether or not I can get into university. I am taking Economics, Media Studies and Applied Business and I have got to do 7 exams in the next two month and I am nowhere close to being prepared.

Now if you're expecting this to be an inspirational post, I'm afraid I'm gonna disappoint you, however, what I can give you advise about what not to do and you tell you to learn from my mistakes.

I was always one of those people that found everything quite simple and school work always came really easy to me, I never studied outside of school when I was taking my GCSE's and I managed to pass those with pretty good grades. When it came to Sixth Form I kinda assumed the same thing and did not revise for my first AS exams and boy was that a BIG mistake. I am not sure if any of you are familiar with the UK grading system, but to go from GCSE's to A-Level's is a HUGE step and if you struggle to keep up at the start, chances are (in my case anyway) you're gonna struggle all year. Anyway I tried my best when it came to exams even though I did the minimal amount of revision and I'm not going to lie to you, I was pretty damn disappointed when it came to results day whilst everyone was celebrating their high grades. I unfortunately did not pass Maths Statistics (which I had taken last year) which had meant that I could not continue with the course, which was completely fine as you're meant to drop a subject at A2, but this had meant that I had to continue studying Business, which I hate! I mean as a subject I think it's great and I think it would be quite useful to have as a degree later down in life, however I really do not like the way it is taught at my school and the approach that the teachers take here. This time last year I was winging my way through all my business essays thinking that I would not continue with the subject this year, but life has a cruel sense of humour and it had meant that I had to continue with the subject. Me being me I kinda just sucked it up and powered through with it.

Since I dislike the subject I felt extremely demotivated when it came to coursework and obviously I had left it until the very last minute. So for the last four days I could not go to sleep before three in the morning because I was trying my best to finish and hand it in on time. There were so many times where I contemplated dropping the subject and even dropping out of school, but my friends gave me a reality check each time. So this moment in time I still have a couple of units outstanding which are due next week, but with the amount that I have been working I have no doubt that I will get it done.

It's funny because the reason that I did not do it before is because I had no motivation what so ever! And I mean zero! And I knew what it would mean to fail and I knew that the stakes were high but somehow I found myself not caring and I could not change the way I was feeling. All it took for me to get motivated is one of my teachers being nice to me after I handed in unfinished work. That just made me feel bad that I wasted her time and made me want to succeed, I honestly can't explain it because if she would have been annoyed I would have been like whatever I don't care but this way I somehow did. And because I really want to go to uni and do a year abroad in my second year, that kinda motivated me also.

Anyway, so once coursework is completely out of the way, I'm hoping after next week - I will seriously focus on my exams because I do not want to feel the way I did on the last results day. I am stressing like crazy but I kinda think I can do it? I don't even know.

Now I am literally the most unmotivated person ever, but if I can find a little bit of motivation no matter where it comes from - anyone can! Honestly if you're still reading this, I'm telling if I can overcome severe procrastination and finish my work (even if it is last minute) I honestly feel like anyone can! Just have the right intentions and it will come to you. So if you have exams coming up, please just revise, at least a little bit - you have nothing left to lose and Youtube videos will always be here after your exams.
Make your years at school count for something by achieving those grades and do what you want with your life.

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  1. I'm a little unmotivated myself but for exercise. I guess we just need to realize we are doing these things to benefit ourselves. Keep that in mind & good luck on exams. :]

    // ▲ ▲

    1. That is a very good point! Thankyou!! x

  2. OMG!! I can relate to this sooo much I'm in college now in the Caribbean studying Architecture and at first I was so happy and excited about it but after a month or two I lost what I like to call my spark or fire for learning new things. I failed math and lucky for you you're allowed to drop a subject but I have to re-do it until I pass it v.v It's sooo hard I've written it 3 times and for me to move on to Calculus and other subjects I must pass it. Because of that I wanted to drop out but my friends keeps telling me that dropping out is not the best idea. My exams start in 2 weeks and I still have (late) coursework to bring in.
    Reading your post gave me the motivation I need to get off of YouTube and do what I have to because I HATE failure. Thank you so much for this post it is truly inspiring because of your honesty throughout.

    1. Your comment just made my day! Thank you, I'm so glad you can relate, I guess we're not alone going though this, haha. I remember doing calculus and I do not miss it at all, so I wish you all the luck and hope you pass! Good luck in all your exams! But wow, a college in the Caribbean? Pretty exciting! x
