Some things are difficult to understand

by - April 06, 2015

Life is full of lessons and mistakes, and it is your choice whether you learn from them or make them again. However some things take longer or can be harder to understand than others.

1) You cannot rely on anyone else to make you happy.
As a young and naive teenager I used to think that I needed other people to make me happy. For them to invest time in me and to cheer me up when I was sad, and it took me a long time to understand that at the end of the day it is YOU who has YOUR back and it is YOU who should look out for YOU. It is no-one's job to look after you because they're too busy being invested in themselves, so pick yourself up because your happiness depends on you and your own actions.

2) One person can change your life in a day and that's OK.
I am not talking about finding 'the one' I am talking about meeting that one person that somehow manages to suddenly change your life for the better and make you believe in things you never thought were possible. They give you an entire different outlook on life and change the way you think; so even though everything about you is changed forever - that is completely okay because that just means you're growing as a person.

3) Some people will not like you, learn to accept it.
You cannot make everyone in your life like you and chances are not everyone is going to, but that might say more about them as a person than you. It is not your job to please everyone, so as long as you're doing what you're suppose to - do not pay attention to what anyone else thinks because they're opinions should not be relevant to you.

4) The idea of 'perfect' does not exist.
Everyone strives for perfection, but what exactly is it? What I think makes someone perfect, others may completely disagree. We are all unique with different flaws, wants, experiences and characteristics. All of us are attracted to different people and different personalities, so this idea of 'perfect' does not exist because it means different things to everyone.

5) People that you love will leave eventually.
It is said that you can have too much of a good thing, and sometimes that is true. One day you may have someone that makes you unconditionally happy and the next day that may leave. This hurts like a bitch but eventually it will be okay, it just wasn't meant to be.

6) If it is meant to be, it will be.
Fate. It’s a funny thing. Some say it’s an excuse to be lazy and not live your life but I disagree. I believe that if something is meant to happen, it will. Now if you think back on your life, there must have been a time where everything worked out and fell into place, as if by magic. I know that this has happened to me countless times, but you don’t realize it until much later. I mean sure, you shouldn’t use this as an excuse to sit all day and do nothing, but you definitely should go live your life and all the right opportunities will catch you and everything that is meant to happen, will.

7) It is pointless to compare yourself to others.
How many times have you compared yourself to someone else? Why? Someone else is always going to have something that you want, someone else is going to be smarter, they're going to be richer or prettier. But there is no point in comparing yourself to others, because they will never be you and you will never be them. Just embrace your flaws and what you got because you are your own person and that is pretty awesome.

8) Thing won't always go your way.
Life won't always go your way and you need to accept it because the sooner you do, the easier it gets. 
Life will send challenges your way and you will need to learn to overcome them, and when you do you will grow as a person.

9) Sometimes, it is your fault.
A lot of people have a hard time accepting the fact that they are at fault and are too mighty to admit it. However having too much pride to admit this may ruin many relationships with others that you will regret losing, so when it truly is your fault just accept the fact and take responsibility for your own actions.

10) Don't let fear stop you from living your life.
Many people put things off because they are scared of what may happen, even though it may seem scary saying 'Yes' may open up many more opportunities for you and make a lot of new memories. You should not put your life on hold, live while you can and make the most of everything.

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  1. LOVE this post - it is a lovely idea. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, here is a link to my post:

    PLEASE let me know when you've completed yours as I would love to have a read!
    Brittany x

    1. Thankyou for nominating me! x

  2. Excellent post! I should print this and put it up on my fridge. xo
