
by - April 05, 2017

My best friend from home and I had booked tickets to Amsterdam, and my friend cancelled on me last minute. I had considered not going as I was afraid of going by myself, but then I remembered that I’ve done scarier things before, so I went. Since we booked though unitrips, this meant that other students from your university also can go, so I knew that I could find people to hang out with. I’m so glad I went!
Visiting Amsterdam was a next level experience, it was so weird having such easy access to drugs that are illegal everywhere else. Since we only had a day and a half there, I was with people I’ve known only a few hours I knew it would be better to just play it safe.
But I learned a few things;
  • Everyone is high all the time.
  • So much delicious food, everywhere.
  • It’s extremely easy to get run over by a bike.
  • It’s also extremely easy to fall into the canal (surprised doesn’t happen often when you’re high).
  • Take advantage of free breakfast and don’t oversleep.
  • You’ll never be alone if you just talk to people.
  • After visiting the sex museum, your perception of world history will never be the same.
  • There are girls that tap on their windows inviting you to come inside. That’s not something you’re used to seeing.

When I got back, I couldn’t believe I had actually considered on missing out on this trip because I was scared of going alone, but truth is, I had the best time and I’m not sure it would’ve been the same if my friend had been there just because she’s very anti everything that is only legal in Amsterdam. I met cool people that enjoyed doing what I do and learnt a lot. A lot about me.
Also, Amnesia Cafe is the best cafe there. Nice and warm inside but with a nice breeze. Music with a good beat to keep the mood up. Also yummy food (and pineapple juice was my new favourite).
And the sunset was incredible.
Hope you like some of the photos I took.

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