A Dream Called Paris

by - March 07, 2017

Where do I even begin?
After 10 hours of travelling and being stuck in bus, I fulfilled one of my biggest dreams; to go to Paris. And honestly, it’s everything I expected it to be.
I can’t begin to explain to you how familiar everything felt, as if I belonged there. As if it was already my home.
Alright so, one of my friends and I decided to go to Paris for the weekend but make it as cheap as possible as we both are poor university students. Hence the long coach trip. To save money on accommodation we used Couchsurfing to find a host to stay with, show us the city and even hang out with us (for free) and we got really lucky as we got this really cool guy.
On the first day, we had to leave the apartment early as our host was working from home so we set off into the centre of Paris and since this was my first time, the Eiffel Tower was our first stop. And my oh my, it was magnificent. As typical tourists we had crepes for breakfast whilst overlooking the Eiffel Tower, and then we ventured out though the city to various museums, shops and cafes. Walking through the city and seeing the architecture, French fashion, French culture and just everything else was an experience I could never forget. It all felt so familiar, so real. The streets were all so beautiful, all the apartments are just so elegant. Definitely made me want to own an apartment there one day. Towards the evening we went to this Mexican restaurant for dinner and to meet a few friends for drinks. Pretty good first night.
This is where it hit me: I must be in a movie. So on the second day, I woke up to our host coming back with breakfast from the bakery,  after I went to get ready for our day two Paris adventure when to my surprise our host decided he needs to practice playing his harp. Yes. So as I was in the bathroom putting on my make-up I had the most amazing and elegant background music playing and I looked at myself in the mirror and had to pause for a second and get back into my reality. But I honestly cannot explain it in words how surreal it felt for a moment. So that day we ventured out into the Chinatown of Paris for lunch and then went for a long walk though some parks and then went for a tour of the Latin Quarter with the guy we were staying with. And it just kept amazing me how beautiful Paris was everywhere.
On our third day there, we went to The Louvre and then to Montmartre. I got to see the famous Mona Lisa, and we waited until the sunset to climb the million steps in Montmartre to see the whole of Paris lit up in the night sky. I know you’re probably tired of hearing this by now, but oh my god, it was so beautiful and perfect in every way.
Obviously I am aware that things aren’t always so ‘beautiful’ there but I was fortunate to just see the positives of the beauty of the city and I just felt at home there. But don’t you worry, I’ll be back there very soon!

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