18 Things I Learned While Being 18

by - April 25, 2015

1. There's going to be a boy that gets away, it will hurt - a lot, but eventually it's going to be OK.

2. Experiences are worth more than possessions.

3. Taking a nap may seem like a good idea until you wake up and feel confused about what day or month it is.

4. Do not get involved with guys that just want to 'come over' instead of taking you out.

5. Always go with your gut feeling. Your intuition speaks louder than anyone's words.

6. It's not too late to turn your life around.

7. Take photos of everything and anything. It's fun to look back and remember.

8. However don't spend every second trying to capture a moment that you should be experiencing.

9. You're going to have toxic friends, just try to distance yourself from them.

10. It's perfectly fine to be alone sometimes.

11. When you miss someone, you're only going to remember the good times and not how they mistreated you. Be careful before going back.

12. Time goes past ridiculously fast, so make the most of it.

13. Do things for yourself, do not expect anyone else to do it for you.

14. There will always be people that don't like you, get over it.

15. Last minute spontaneous plans usually turn out to be the best ones.

16. Do not change yourself for anyone else but you.

17. Take a risk. It will make one hell of a story.

 18. Life is too short to be unhappy.

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  1. So true Ema!! Love your blog.
    - Jay xx
    { blujayandpearl.weebly.com }

  2. This is such a cute post!


  3. All these points are so great but its amazing how we forget them. No matter how old you are, we all need to remember these facts. xx sabiha


  4. This is such a good post - I'm turning 19 in two weeks and I completely agree with this!

    Paige | Paige Says

  5. Great post, even at the age of 23 I'm still learning some of these lessons, be happy and everything will follow xx

