20 of the Best Feelings in Life

by - July 16, 2015

We all just want to be happy in life, right? And I believe that it's the little things in life that can make you the most happiest. So this is just a list of 20 little things that make me the most happy in life.

1) Spending time with a loved one

2) Not being able to sleep because you're too excited about something

3) The smell of coffee

4) Strangers smiling at you

5) Long phone calls with a friend

6) Having a solo dance party in my room by myself 

7) The smell of grass after it has just been cut

8) Waking up in the middle of the night and realising it's only 3:11am and you can go back to sleep

9) When cats purr

10) Reconnecting with old friends

11) Looking back through old photos

12) Spontaneous last minute plans with someone

13) Looking at the stars at night

14) Long car journeys

15) A cold shower on a hot day

16) Falling asleep to the sound of rain

17) Sunsets

18) Having someone you can depend on

19) Not having to set an alarm for the morning

20) Listening to music

These are just a few. Creating this list just made me realise how you don't need a big fancy car or a mansion to just be happy in life. It's the little things that count the most. As long as you surround yourself with the right people, anything is possible.
What is something that makes you happy?

E x

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  1. I really loved this <3 It's the little things in life that make you feel the best x

